Convert 4gb Memory Card To 8gb Software Store
Memory and Storage ConverterTo convert memory manually is a simple conversion. To convert MB to GB, simply divide the MB by 1024. To go back from GB to MB, multiply the GB by 1024. The process of converting from megabytes to gigabytes is the same for all units of memory. To move up one unit in the scale ( to a larger unit, like going from KB to MB ) -divide. To move down ( like going from KB to bytes ), multiply.
The magic number is 1024. This number comes from 2^10, or '10 base 2'.To use the memory and storage converter, input any whole number into any one of the scale boxes. Click on the Calculate button and the values for the other designations will appear in the appropriate boxes. If you are seeking bit conversion, please use our.
For sample download times, try our.DesignationInput Value To ConvertOr Calculated Result ValueDescriptionBits:8 bits = 1 byteBytes:1024 bytes = 1 KB (1 to 3 digits)Kilobytes:1024 KB = 1 MB (4 to 6 digits)Megabytes:1024 MB = 1 GB (7 to 9 digits)Gigabytes:1024 GB = 1 TB (10 to 12 digits)Terabytes:1024 TB = 1 PB (13 to 15 digits)Petabytes:1024 PB = 1 EB (16 to 18 digits)Exabytes:1024 EB = 1 ZB (19 to 21 digits)Zettabytes:1024 ZB = 1 YB (22 to 24 digits)Yottabytes:more than enough. (25 to 27 digits)Memory conversion controversyThis converter will convert, and to all values in every designation. Obviously, some of these numbers get very large. These calculations are considered exact and not rounded off to the nearest thousand; they are however, rounded after fifteen digits. The calculations are a limitation of the computer language. However, the question of what is really 'exact' looms with purists both in and out of the computer industry. Is fifteen places close enough?
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Is the method of calculation correct? Is the formula correct? While all of those questions lend themselves to accuracy, the foundation must be accurate for a start. The truth is, not all companies adhere to the standards of the computer industry. By standard in computer terms, for instance, a kilobyte is 1,024 bytes. Some people and some companies, for convenience, say it is 1,000 bytes, particularly in the storage and disk drive segments of the industry.
Purists in computer math circles and purists in other math circles calculate numbers differently. For example, in the American system, the rough equivalent of a zettabyte is called sextillion.
In more formal and definitive terms, a zettabyte is 2 to the 70th power bytes (2^70 = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424), which is approximately the same as the view from all other math calculations of a sextillion, 10 to the 21st power bytes, (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). A zettabyte is also equal to 1,024 but in that perspective, the paradox shows itself. How was the exabyte calucated? Was it by 2 to the 60th power as a true exabyte (1,152,921,504,606,846,976), or by 10 to the 18th power as a quintillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000) in the American system?
Granted, in the overall aspect of the numbers, it is a very fine point but one that purists, rightfully, love to argue.