Skittles Brand Book Pdf
Do they know usually what I’m talking about when I first mention a Brand Book? Never.Do they hop on board anyway? Most of the time (thanks, trusting friends).Do I selflishly love making them?
Brand Style Guide Template Pdf
Um, maybe.But, mostly, it’s because I truly believe in them and have repeatedly seen the inevitable cluster F that occurs when a small business tries to move forward with branding without creating one first.When I work with a branding client, there's a series of steps I take to guide them into crafting their perfect brand identity. Generally, it starts with a series of questionnaires and a crap-ton of good old-fashioned brainstorming, then escalates into logomark exploration and the development of additional visual resources. The culmination (and hand-down most fun part) of the branding process is always the unveiling of the BRAND BOOK.Although clients adore and obsess over their books once they’re completed, they often have a hard time understanding what the heck they are and why they need them in the first place.So let’s get started, shall we? 1. What is a brand book?It is a guidelines document that outlines important visual information and tone guidelines, so that your brand always looks and feels consistent and professional.
Basically, it provides a roadmap to developing a beautiful, cohesive brand universe where everything feels like it’s in the same family. To cover this question, I brought in the big guns – my friend Breana Robinson, VP, Branding Planning Director at FCB Health in NYC. In her words:“Brandbooks, brand guidelines, brand styleguidewhatever you call them – they’re one of – if not THE most important – part of a brand.
Skittles Brand Book Pdf File
The brandbook is the heart of a brand’s body. It’s the source from which everything created for a brand should come.It’s so important today for brands to make a good first impression, and the window of time to do that has become so small with our attention spans getting shorter and shorter. One of the easiest ways to do that, to make that connection, to create that impact, is to make sure, at every step of the way, that whatever piece of communication the brand is putting out there - it’s coming from the same place.” 5. Show me some!Sometimes they’re technical and buttoned up and sometimes they're totally off-the-wall and absurd – but they should always be a genuine reflection of your brand. Check out some of my favorite examples below.
Case in point: Skittles. The multicolored candy brand has dumped its normal “corporate” website in lieu of a homepage dominated by user-generated content. Right now, if you go to, you’ll first be asked to input your birth year into a disclaimer basically stating, “hey, we didn’t write this stuff”. Then you can access the homepage which is just realtime results for “skittles” in Twitter. In other words, anyone who mentions anything including the word “skittles” in one of their tweets, gets their message posted right on the rainbow candy conglomerate’s website. Yes, even very very inappropriate messages.
Target Brand Book
A few days ago, a visit to would have directed you straight to the Wikipedia article about the company, (again, user-generated content that Skittles doesn’t control). While the homepage has now changed into a Twitter feed, the individual pages in the “Products” section still go to Wikipedia.Skittles isn’t the first company to do this. Actually, they are kind of ripping off Modernista, whose website went straight to the Wikipedia article on the company. I think this move is significant because it does two things:.
It acknowledges that a brand is simply whatever consumers make it out to be. Serif webplus x5 software free download. Brandtags: “The basic idea of this site is that a brand exists entirely in people’s heads.
Therefore, whatever it is they say a brand is, is what it is” (See our post on ). It fosters conversation.
People get really excited when they are given a prominent venue to make their voices heard. Consumers chatter about the brand, bloggers write about the company’s ballsy move. Free PR!Now opinions about the Skittles site have been really divided. A lot of people hate it, a few people love it. A lot of people familiar with Modernista see it as a rip-off and a way to get easy headlines. The point is, they’re all talking about Skittles, and when you get to the bottom line, that’s what the company wanted.I’m not advocating that banks do anything like this to their websites.
That would even make me a little uncomfortable. But, maybe what they can learn from this is that loosening the reigns a little can foster word of mouth. They will probably hear some negative and inappropriate opinions, but the bank will look more transparent in the public eye which is really important for an industry trying to foster consumer-trust.